Are you brave enough for Jel’s confession box?

At Jel, we're all about creating an experience that's not just about great food and drinks but also about building connections and making memories. That's why we're excited to introduce our latest addition that's sure to add excitement and laughter to your time with us – the Jel Confession Box! 

What's the Confession Box, you ask? It's the perfect opportunity for all you bold souls out there to share your most outrageous, funny, or even cheeky confessions! We're inviting you to share your secrets and have a good laugh.

How It Works:

Starting from now, our Confession Box will be right here in the heart of Jel, waiting for your confessions all week long. Have a confession you've been dying to share? Whether it's a quirky anecdote, a hilarious mishap, or just something random that's been on your mind, this is the place to let it all out.

Feel free to drop your confession into the box, and if you're feeling extra brave, add your name at the bottom – though anonymity is completely cool too. We get it, some confessions are just too good to reveal your identity for!

The fun doesn't stop at sharing your confessions. At the end of the week, we'll gather around the Confession Box, open it up, and read out the most outrageous confessions! Genuine reactions, hearty chuckles, and an atmosphere filled with laughter as we share in your most candid moments. But wait, there's more! Our team at Jel might even toss in a confession or two of our own – we're all in this together, after all! 

Are You Brave Enough?

The question remains: are you ready to confess your biggest, quirkiest, or funniest moments? Whether it's about food, drinks, or just life in general, the Confession Box is your canvas to express yourself and join in the laughter.

The Confession Box is now open and waiting, so don't be shy! Head over to Jel, grab a pen, and make your mark on our ever-evolving wall of confessions. Let's share a laugh, lift each other's spirits, and create memories that'll make your Jel experience truly unforgettable. See you soon!